The story behind xata-go, a Go SDK for Xata

Putting the community spotlight on Kerdo Kurs, the creator of xata-go, a Go SDK for Xata.

Written by

Alex Francoeur

Published on

April 12, 2023

It’s been amazing to watch the Xata community grow since our public launch last November. From showcasing work on our Discord to community contributions, it’s been exciting to see what folks are creating with Xata. Today we’ll be putting the community spotlight on Kerdo Kurs, the creator of xata-go, a Go SDK for Xata.

Kerdo is a student and developer based out of Estonia and currently in his third year at the University of Tartu Institute of Computer Science. Outside of his typical student responsibilities, he is also a tech lead for the Mathematics-Informatics student society and a full time employee of Avokaado.

Kerdo stumbled upon Xata while searching for a serverless database solution for his universities student society and was immediately drawn to Xata’s always-on free tier and full-text search capabilities.

In addition to exploring Xata for his student society, Kerdo also appreciated Xata workspaces for multi-tenancy support and data segmentation of future use cases.

xata-go on GitHub
Xata go github repo

The student society was planning to build some internal systems and was in need of a managed database. Xata was nearly a perfect fit. The only problem? Their entire system was written in Go. Using this as an opportunity to learn Go a bit more deeply, Kerdo decided to create an SDK.

Thinking that he can’t be the only one looking for an Xata SDK in Go, he decided to open source it. And Kerdo was right, not only is this his most starred repository, but he’s also receiving questions from the Xata community. We’ve seen some traction amongst Go enthusiasts and have been pointing them to his SDK.

Kerdo set out on this open source journey with two goals in mind. Not only did he want to share his work with the broader community, but he also wanted build a better SDK with similarly interested developers. Having seen a number of community contributed issues already, we’d say he’s accomplished both goals.

Kerdos story is a testament to the power of open source and the importance of community. We’re really excited to share his story and hope it inspires others. Thank you Kerdo for your contributions to the Xata community, we look forward to seeing what you build next!

If you’d like to take xata-go for a spin or make a contribution yourself, be sure to check out the repository here. Go is one of the many languages we have on our roadmap to support. If there’s another SDK you’d like see on our roadmap, submit a feature request here or come chat with us directly on Discord.

Do you have a similar story or community contribution you’d like to share? Send us an email if you’d like to be featured on our community spotlight.

Until then, happy building 🦋

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