Reinvent what the world thinks a database is capable of

Xata formed in 2021 with the mission to radically simplify the way developers work with data. We're a distributed company with team members spread across seven countries. We ship code every day and build our application with Xata.

Add your home office to the Xata map

Xata is built in Berlin, Boston, Valencia, Annapolis, London and many other places. We think that collaboration and async work don't need to be in conflict.

Our values

Provide autonomy

We believe in your ability to make decisions without much direction. Features start and end with you.

Iterate quickly

Good enough today is better than perfect tomorrow. We ship code every day and iterate quickly.

Balance work and life

We all have someone or something that matters to us outside of work. We respect your time and energy.

Asynchronous first

We work asynchronously by default. We use Slack and GitHub to communicate and document our work and aim for a minimal amount of meetings.

Diverse by default

We believe in a diverse team. We welcome people of different backgrounds, experiences, abilities, and perspectives.

Listen to customers

We talk to our customers daily in Discord, and weekly in Zoom calls. We share notes and listen to what our customers need.