Compare branch with custom schema.


Compare the branch schema with a custom provided schema.

Expected parameters


The DBBranchName matches the pattern {db_name}:{branch_name}.


Compare Branch With User Schema.


Request Body Type Definition

type CompareBranchWithUserSchema = {
    schema: Schema;
    schemaOperations?: MigrationOp[];
    branchOperations?: MigrationOp[];
type Schema = {
    tables: Table[];
    tablesOrder?: string[];
 * Branch schema migration operations.
type MigrationOp = MigrationTableOp | MigrationColumnOp;
type Table = {
    id?: string;
    name: TableName;
    columns: Column[];
    revLinks?: RevLink[];
type MigrationTableOp = {
    addTable: TableOpAdd;
} | {
    removeTable: TableOpRemove;
} | {
    renameTable: TableOpRename;
type MigrationColumnOp = {
    addColumn: ColumnOpAdd;
} | {
    removeColumn: ColumnOpRemove;
} | {
    renameColumn: ColumnOpRename;
 * @maxLength 255
 * @minLength 1
 * @pattern [a-zA-Z0-9_\-~]+
type TableName = string;
type Column = {
    name: string;
    type: "bool" | "int" | "float" | "string" | "text" | "email" | "multiple" | "link" | "object" | "datetime" | "vector" | "file[]" | "file" | "json";
    link?: ColumnLink;
    vector?: ColumnVector;
    file?: ColumnFile;
    ["file[]"]?: ColumnFile;
    notNull?: boolean;
    defaultValue?: string;
    unique?: boolean;
    columns?: Column[];
type RevLink = {
    table: string;
    column: string;
type TableOpAdd = {
    table: string;
type TableOpRemove = {
    table: string;
type TableOpRename = {
    oldName: string;
    newName: string;
type ColumnOpAdd = {
    table: string;
    column: Column;
type ColumnOpRemove = {
    table: string;
    column: string;
type ColumnOpRename = {
    table: string;
    oldName: string;
    newName: string;
type ColumnLink = {
    table: string;
type ColumnVector = {
     * @maximum 10000
     * @minimum 2
    dimension: number;
type ColumnFile = {
    defaultPublicAccess?: boolean;


type CompareBranchWithUserSchema = {
    source: Schema;
    target: Schema;
    edits: SchemaEditScript;
type Schema = {
    tables: Table[];
    tablesOrder?: string[];
type SchemaEditScript = {
    sourceMigrationID?: string;
    targetMigrationID?: string;
    operations: MigrationOp[];
type Table = {
    id?: string;
    name: TableName;
    columns: Column[];
    revLinks?: RevLink[];
 * Branch schema migration operations.
type MigrationOp = MigrationTableOp | MigrationColumnOp;
 * @maxLength 255
 * @minLength 1
 * @pattern [a-zA-Z0-9_\-~]+
type TableName = string;
type Column = {
    name: string;
    type: "bool" | "int" | "float" | "string" | "text" | "email" | "multiple" | "link" | "object" | "datetime" | "vector" | "file[]" | "file" | "json";
    link?: ColumnLink;
    vector?: ColumnVector;
    file?: ColumnFile;
    ["file[]"]?: ColumnFile;
    notNull?: boolean;
    defaultValue?: string;
    unique?: boolean;
    columns?: Column[];
type RevLink = {
    table: string;
    column: string;
type MigrationTableOp = {
    addTable: TableOpAdd;
} | {
    removeTable: TableOpRemove;
} | {
    renameTable: TableOpRename;
type MigrationColumnOp = {
    addColumn: ColumnOpAdd;
} | {
    removeColumn: ColumnOpRemove;
} | {
    renameColumn: ColumnOpRename;
type ColumnLink = {
    table: string;
type ColumnVector = {
     * @maximum 10000
     * @minimum 2
    dimension: number;
type ColumnFile = {
    defaultPublicAccess?: boolean;
type TableOpAdd = {
    table: string;
type TableOpRemove = {
    table: string;
type TableOpRename = {
    oldName: string;
    newName: string;
type ColumnOpAdd = {
    table: string;
    column: Column;
type ColumnOpRemove = {
    table: string;
    column: string;
type ColumnOpRename = {
    table: string;
    oldName: string;
    newName: string;