Query Table Data


This endpoint serves data from a given table, inside a specific database's branch. For a tutorial on using the Records API, see the Record API documentation.

Expected parameters


The DBBranchName matches the pattern {db_name}:{branch_name}.


The Table name


Query Table


Failed to compile MDX

Request Body Type Definition

type QueryTable = {
    filter?: FilterExpression;
    sort?: SortExpression;
    page?: PageConfig;
    columns?: QueryColumnsProjection;
     * The consistency level for this request.
     * @default strong
    consistency?: "strong" | "eventual";
 * @minProperties 1
type FilterExpression = {
    $exists?: string;
    $existsNot?: string;
    $any?: FilterList;
    $all?: FilterList;
    $none?: FilterList;
    $not?: FilterList;
} & {
    [key: string]: FilterColumn;
type SortExpression = string[] | {
    [key: string]: SortOrder;
} | {
    [key: string]: SortOrder;
 * Pagination settings.
type PageConfig = {
     * Query the next page that follow the cursor.
    after?: string;
     * Query the previous page before the cursor.
    before?: string;
     * Query the first page from the cursor.
    start?: string;
     * Query the last page from the cursor.
    end?: string;
     * Set page size. If the size is missing it is read from the cursor. If no cursor is given Xata will choose the default page size.
     * @default 20
    size?: number;
     * Use offset to skip entries. To skip pages set offset to a multiple of size.
     * @default 0
    offset?: number;
type QueryColumnsProjection = (string | ProjectionConfig)[];
type FilterList = FilterExpression | FilterExpression[];
type FilterColumn = FilterColumnIncludes | FilterPredicate | FilterList;
type SortOrder = "asc" | "desc" | "random";
 * A structured projection that allows for some configuration.
type ProjectionConfig = {
     * The name of the column to project or a reverse link specification, see [API Guide](https://xata.io/docs/concepts/data-model#links-and-relations).
    name?: string;
    columns?: QueryColumnsProjection;
     * An alias for the projected field, this is how it will be returned in the response.
    as?: string;
    sort?: SortExpression;
     * @default 20
    limit?: number;
     * @default 0
    offset?: number;
 * @maxProperties 1
 * @minProperties 1
type FilterColumnIncludes = {
    $includes?: FilterPredicate;
    $includesAny?: FilterPredicate;
    $includesAll?: FilterPredicate;
    $includesNone?: FilterPredicate;
type FilterPredicate = FilterValue | FilterPredicate[] | FilterPredicateOp | FilterPredicateRangeOp;
type FilterValue = number | string | boolean;
 * @maxProperties 1
 * @minProperties 1
type FilterPredicateOp = {
    $any?: FilterPredicate[];
    $all?: FilterPredicate[];
    $none?: FilterPredicate | FilterPredicate[];
    $not?: FilterPredicate | FilterPredicate[];
    $is?: FilterValue | FilterValue[];
    $isNot?: FilterValue | FilterValue[];
    $lt?: FilterRangeValue;
    $le?: FilterRangeValue;
    $gt?: FilterRangeValue;
    $ge?: FilterRangeValue;
    $contains?: string;
    $startsWith?: string;
    $endsWith?: string;
    $pattern?: string;
 * @maxProperties 2
 * @minProperties 2
type FilterPredicateRangeOp = {
    $lt?: FilterRangeValue;
    $le?: FilterRangeValue;
    $gt?: FilterRangeValue;
    $ge?: FilterRangeValue;
type FilterRangeValue = number | string;


type QueryTable = {
    records: Record[];
    meta: RecordsMetadata;
 * Xata Table Record Metadata
type Record = RecordMeta & {
    [key: string]: any;
 * Records metadata
type RecordsMetadata = {
    page: {
         * last record id
        cursor: string;
         * true if more records can be fetched
        more: boolean;
         * the number of records returned per page
        size: number;
 * Xata Table Record Metadata
type RecordMeta = {
    id: RecordID;
    xata: {
         * The record's version. Can be used for optimistic concurrency control.
        version: number;
         * The time when the record was created.
        createdAt?: string;
         * The time when the record was last updated.
        updatedAt?: string;
         * The record's table name. APIs that return records from multiple tables will set this field accordingly.
        table?: string;
         * Highlights of the record. This is used by the search APIs to indicate which fields and parts of the fields have matched the search.
        highlight?: {
            [key: string]: string[] | {
                [key: string]: any;
         * The record's relevancy score. This is returned by the search APIs.
        score?: number;
         * Encoding/Decoding errors
        warnings?: string[];
 * @maxLength 255
 * @minLength 1
 * @pattern [a-zA-Z0-9_-~:]+
type RecordID = string;